Hello People – I hope this finds you all well? For the health tips during the self isolation period part of the blog, just scroll down.

My last day of practice in the clinic was March 18th. I am unsure of when I will be able to re-open the clinic at present but will keep you up dated as to when I am able to see you face to face once more. I know I closed earlier than most businesses but I was concerned that I would be adding to the virus spread and therefore felt the responsible thing to do, was to close.





However, this will possibly continue for months, therefore, I realise people will need help. Staying at home can be quite hard on the body e.g. too much sitting infront of a computer if you are lucky enough to still be able to work; gardening because finally you have the time but your body isn’t used to it; stress/anxiety leading to all kinds of health problems that can be helped. Therefore, I have decided to offer virtual online appointments for if or when you need treatment. These will be conducted via a video link.

Virtual Chiropractic Appointments

How does it work?

We will contact you via email or phone to offer suggests, such as, soft clothing for the appointment, etc. We will provide you with 2 options of linking with us via video link, either via WhatsApp or Zoom. We can provide information on how to load these to your laptop.

Via a video link, we take a thorough health history for New Patients, or the new complaint for Current Patients.

You may be asked to perform certain movements/exercises etc to give information towards a diagnosis via the video link. Based on the information gathered, I will work with you via the link to get you to do specific soft tissue work on yourself. Then once the appointment is over, I will email you with further advise, links to video stretches, exercises or movements.

Fee – New Patient £55, Existing Patient £40

Testimonial (Virtual Chiropractic Appointment)

Shortly after relieving me of my long-term sciatic problem by treatment in her Hove clinic,

I had to call Anne this week during self-isolation, with a new problem, as I was in such pain, it was impossible to straighten up and walk.

She answered immediately and we set up a video call so she could see me and guide me through the exercises I needed.

I was later able to go out for a walk and repeat the exercises after that.

She sent me a link to videos of the stretches I also needed, and followed up on me each morning on my progress.

Now day three, I have all round improvement, it hasn’t totally gone yet, and it has been painful, but after pushing through the exercises frequently and following her instructions, it is a relief that this was possible.

Angela Tester  03/03/2020

Virtual Functional Medicine Appointments

Regarding the Functional Medicine appointments, these can continue as normal. For those of you that are unfamiliar that part of my practice, please follow the link and if you would like more information, then just ask.

Contact me

You can all contact me on 07908 255 037 as the line is being diverted, via email info@coast-chiropractic.co.uk. Please don’t try to contact me via our mobile number as I don’t get a signal at home.


HealthTips during the self isolation period

I am looking at this time as an opportunity for change. We are all in different situations, some alone, some wished they were alone, many working from home, some unable to work at all. Whatever your situation, you have been thrown out of your normal routine. Hooray. Now you can fianally make those changes that you have wanted to make for years. Here is you opportunity. As you put your plan into action, please keep in mind that looking after your mental health is just as important as looking after your physical health. Here are some simple tips that will aid you with both.

Make a daily health routine.

What to include:

  • exercise
  • sun exposure if possible
  • prepare food plan for next day – include colours of the rainbow in veggies
  • video call (especially if you are alone)
  • acts of kindness have been consistently associated with improved happiness, therefore try and support someone who may need it. You’ll feel better.
  • meditation/mindfulness/deep breathing
  • good sleep routine

If you are wondering if supplements will help boost your immune system, probably. However, it doesn’t matter how many supplements (it still helps but you get the idea?) you are takeing if your diet is really crap. Get the colours of the rainbow of veggies in your diet everyday. Please!

There are many supplements I may suggest individually for people, however, as basics right now, the main ones I would suggest are:

  • Vitamin C (buffered ascorbic acid)
  • Zinc
  • Vitamin D3
  • Magnesium
  • Omega 3 oil

I usually order from Pure Bio.

Talk to me

Please let me know what you need from me at the moment. I have a lot of time on my hands and would rather use it well. So if you would like more indepth health tips during the self isolation period or if there is a subject you would like me to write a blog on, TELL ME. Whether it’s a blog, video, live link, TELL ME. I truly am here to help.

I am doing the my first ever (so be kind) Live Feed on Facebook on Monday, April 6th at 8:30 am.

  • Thought I would take you through one of my favourite breathing techniques 
  • Then continue with a short (honest) guided meditation
  • It would be a great way to start your week off so hope you can make it!


Remember people, facts not fiction, don’t feed the fear and keep healthy.

Anne French Chiropractor and Functional Medicine Practitioner

Call us