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Anne French
Pink Himalayan Salts

Pink Himalayan Salts

Himalayan Pink Salts are predominantly sodium chloride (95 -98%), with 84 trace elements and other minerals such as iron oxide, phosphorus, boron and zinc. It is the iron oxide which gives the salt its pink colour.   Pink Himalayan Salts is a pure, hand-mined...

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My – BEAT a COLD – advice

My – BEAT a COLD – advice

Here are my - beat a cold - advice at the first symptoms of a cold Many of you are coming in complaining of an irritating cold and cough. It is that time of year… Here are some very simple cold recommendations, that HAVE worked for me. Very recently, I awoke with all...

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Pilates – Roll Downs

Pilates – Roll Downs

Jenny James, one of our Pilates Instructors, recently did these Pilates roll down videos for us. Which is really handy for me, as I often ask my patients to add these exercises to their daily routines. Thanks Jenny! Half Roll down – For beginners a half roll down...

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Faye Tozer Injury from Strictly Come Dancing 2018

Faye Tozer Injury from Strictly Come Dancing 2018

If you are a Strictly fan (like me) then you would have heard about Faye Tozer injury from Strickly Come Dancing 2018 last week. You would  probably have also seen the following photo of her with ice packs held in place by her panties to try to reduce her hip flexor...

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Minimising your exposure to hormone disruptors

Minimising your exposure to hormone disruptors

In a recent research paper I came across, I found an alarming statistic: women are exposed to an average of 168 chemicals every day through the application of many personal care products including shampoos, creams, cosmetics and also everyday household cleaning...

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Adverse Food Reactions?

Adverse Food Reactions?

Got that post-Christmas feeling? Many of my patients come into the clinic at this time of year complaining of lethargy and an increase in various symptoms. These worsening of symptoms are often due to our over-indulges in all the Christmas festivities and adverse food...

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Nutritional Cooking Essentials

Nutritional Cooking Essentials

If you’re looking to make some positive nutritional changes in 2016, these are some of my favourite must-have nutritional cooking essentials I hope will inspire you. Try some or all of these to add a nutritional punch to drinks, snacks or meals. Enjoy experimenting!...

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Hip and knee pains

Hip and knee pains

Hip and knee pains can occur due to injury or for any number of reasons and therefore it is important to always visit your practitioner for diagnosis and advice so that you can obtain the correct treatment for your condition. However, here is a little self help advice...

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Wheel of Life

Wheel of Life

This is the perfect time to reflect on life and whether we are going in the direction we desire.  So with that in mind I thought it may be helpful to include this great visual tool, the Wheel of Life to access those areas of life that are doing well and those areas...

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The Gall Bladder and Nutrition

The Gall Bladder and Nutrition

The gallbladder is a small pear-shaped organ (sac), located on the right side of the body, directly under the liver. It acts as a storage facility for the pint or so of bile the liver produces every day. Bile is a green-ish, yellowy substance containing bile acids...

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Lemon and Ginger Tea

Lemon and Ginger Tea

Fresh lemon and ginger tea has been one of my staple daily inclusions since October last year. Apart from it being a really good anti-inflammatory and immune boosting tea it also tastes delicious! I do recommend it to patients quite a lot so forgive me if you have...

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Healthy salt alternatives

Healthy salt alternatives

It really is so important to focus on how much salt you’re taking in daily and to find healthy salt alternatives. Too much salt in the body means that your body must increase its fluid content and thus blood pressure is forced to rise leading to hypertension (high...

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Osteopathic treatment of sinus problems

Osteopathic treatment of sinus problems

With the cold weather starting to creep in it’s no surprise that many of us will suffer with colds and sinus problems that can lead to headaches and a general feeling of stuffiness. Here are some facts behind the reason why some of these problems may occur and an...

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Homemade Toothpaste Recipe

Homemade Toothpaste Recipe

For those of you that are conscious of the harm of chemical pesticides used to grow our foods, harmful chemicals in our cleaning products that can be avoided. Have you thought about what is in your toothpaste? Here is a homemade toothpaste recipe to whiten your teeth...

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